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Due Diligence & Advisory Services

Everyting you should know about our firm


Due diligence is examination of the background and financial condition, business operations and contractual obligations of an entity.

It is done to establish a complete, accurate and reliable vision of the subject so that fact-based decisions can be made by another entity considering investment, business relationship, acquisition or litigation.

We also provide following services in respect of Due Diligence:

  • To assist in obtaining necessary permissions from the requisite authorities.
  • Identifying issues relating to structuring and documentation.
  • Identifying legal and contractual impediments.
  • Examination of issues and key areas that need to be addressed in the business plan and determining the impact of the same on the proposed transaction.
  • To assist in preparation of various agreements like License Agreement, Subscription Agreement, Joint Venture Agreement, Supply Agreement, Service Agreement and such other documents.

General Queries: